Friday, September 24, 2010


Another week of observing...another week down!  I think I'm getting the hang of this participation/observation thing.  I just hope people don't think me as one of those "weird creepy guys".  Anxious to learn about interviewing, so I can begin.  It's been nice watching people do their thing and taking note of just how predictable we can be sometimes.


  1. Oh, they are probably too interested in their gadgets and technology to notice you noticing them!

  2. I can't remember what you said your narrowed focus will be, but I realized how much we rely on text messaging at the Race for the Cure. Or, rather, how much we tried to rely on it. During the time we were there, I would go around to all the booths and places we had volunteers throughout the area. After each "section" that I checked, I would text back to "headquarters" (that's my term) what the status was. I couldn't call (too loud) and it would have been a waste to walk all the way back after each one, when some places needed something right away. The texting was effective to get the needs met more quickly. However, that was really only effective AFTER I went around and did it the first time. The first time, I finally got back and nothing had been done that I texted back. It was too loud for my committee co-worker to hear the phone in her pocket. She took it out and had a bunch of texts not just from me, but from other people, too. Hahaha. We kept our phones out after that. Live and learn.
