Thursday, August 26, 2010

Let's Get Started!

     So, I'm sitting around the station where I work getting ready to take a break over the air and I find myself checking my phone for updates be they e-mail, Facebook, or text phone is always buzzing.  Today, I received a couple of requests from listeners that want a certain song to be played on the radio.  Not unusual in radio but the method I received these requests is: text messaging.  Listeners are texting their favorite stations for songs, contests, and more!  This got me thinking, what is the future of radio?  Better yet, what is the future of Mass Media?
     This semester, I'm driven to research how mobile technology is effecting Mass Media.  We live in a world that is moved by mobile technology.  Any time a new gadget comes out, it's out of date within a week!  These smartphones have anything and everything we could possibly want.  Mobile internet, mobile e-mail, we can check the statuses of our friends, heck now we can even find out where that friend is currently with "Places" or "FourSquare".  Not to mention these phones even make phone calls!  Mobile technology is effecting our everyday lives, it's effecting the way we do business, it's effecting the way we view our media.  

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