Friday, October 22, 2010

Interviews and Transcripts

Sounds like a Reality TV show.  Yup, finishing up my interviews and starting my transcripts this week.  WOW!  Totally underestimated the time it would take to write what people said.  It's funny listening back to the conversations and realizing just how funny sound.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Began my interviews this week.  1 down a couple more to go.  Now if I could just get myself to start transcribing...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Making Cheese

I'm continuing my participation/observation this week, trying to get some interviews nailed down for next week.  Everything's starting to fall into place to make some cheese....I just hope I have all the right ingredients at the right time!

Friday, October 1, 2010


I've been continuing my participating/observing this week and I've really started to pick up on the jargon of the people.  It's quite interesting, just as we've talked in class that certain people almost have their own "language" for what you're researching.  You start listening to not only what they're saying but how they're saying such terms and you notice other people are speaking the same "code".  Very fascinating!

Friday, September 24, 2010


Another week of observing...another week down!  I think I'm getting the hang of this participation/observation thing.  I just hope people don't think me as one of those "weird creepy guys".  Anxious to learn about interviewing, so I can begin.  It's been nice watching people do their thing and taking note of just how predictable we can be sometimes.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Researching Research

I ran across a recent study conducting by the Nielsen company that I think will really help in my research project.  I've been reading over this research and digesting it and hopefully I can pull from some of their findings!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Revision.. Relief

After a few revisions of my IRB proposal, I feel that I can finally sigh a big sigh of relief.  I think I've got it all worked out, just the way the IRB people need it to be... at least I hope!  Anyways, I've been continuing my observation a little this week (when I've been able to find the time) and continue to glean some information.  Hopefully you have too!